Here we are again with the warm weather upon us and all the flowers in bloom. Perhaps you should get a nice cold ice tea, take this issue and find a nice place outside to sit and read it.
For starters you’ll find the second half of the type 2 diabetes and exercise article begun last issue. Be sure to discuss this one with your doctor if you are planning on introducing any new and intensive activities into your daily routine.
Cheryl Wertman has returned with Wishin’ for Nutrition and provides us with a couple of recipes to combine for a healthy meal.
A new research study has started called Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes. Take the time to read the available information and perhaps you or someone you know may be eligible for the study.
Next issue you can look forward to a commentary on controversial contraception which extends the length of the menstrual cycle for as long as three months.
Bye for now.