Volume 1, Number 4: Winter Solstice, 1999

From the Editor - BC Diabetes Foundation

Dr. Eric Norman PHD

This issue, the Winter Solstice, completes all four wonderful turning points in the annual cycle. Unfortunately the winter rains are not finished with us yet, so be patient, be well, and find time to read and share this issue of our Quarterly Newsletter.

The cover article on raloxifene by Dr. Jerilynn Prior presents a very well rounded discussion of the history and the use of raloxifene for treating osteoporosis and reducing the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Prior manages to put raloxifene in proper perspective as a therapeutic agent with respect to benefits, risks and cost.

Dr. Tom Elliott provides a comprehensive introduction to thyroid health problems. He discusses both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, their diagnoses and treatment.

Both Dr. Prior’s and Dr. Elliott’s articles are excellent starting points for someone who needs some background in these areas. It is always helpful to know what questions to ask and what to expect if dealing with a health challenge and dealing with a physician.

We have also taken this opportunity to congratulate one of our directors, Dr. Keith Dawson for his recent awards for distinguished contributions to research and education in diabetes in Canada.

In addition, there is an article on the Breast Health Program at Children’s and Women’s Health Centre of BC. This is a short introduction for those who aren’t familiar with the program and contact numbers for those seeking more information.

I hope you enjoy this last issue of our current publication year. It has been a great first year and the response to the newsletter has been very positive. We look forward to continuing what we feel is a valuable tool for education.

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BC Diabetes Foundation

#400 - 210 W Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Y 3W2

Email: info@bcdiabetes.org
Tel: 604-628-2395

Board of Directors

Chair: Dr. Tom Elliott

Board Members: Dr. Keith Dawson, Dr. Breay Paty, Dr. David Thompson, Howard Blank

Administrator: Jack Bondy