Volume 6 Archives - Page 2 of 2 - BC Diabetes Foundation

Question and Answer – with Dr. Jerilynn Prior

Question: I have just been reading all the BCERF information and have found it very Interesting. Do you have information on menstrual migraines? I am 51 and have had this problem for about 8 – 10 years. Thank goodness they seem to be diminishing in strength at least some of the time. They usually last […]

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BC Diabetes Foundation

#400 - 210 W Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Y 3W2

Email: info@bcdiabetes.org
Tel: 604-628-2395

Board of Directors

Chair: Dr. Tom Elliott

Board Members: Dr. Keith Dawson, Dr. Breay Paty, Dr. David Thompson, Howard Blank

Administrator: Jack Bondy