Volume 1, Number 3: Fall Equinox, 1999

From the Editor - BC Diabetes Foundation

Dr. Eric Norman PHD

This issue of the Quarterly Newsletter finds us facing another West Coast fall with all of its unexpected surprises. We just never know at what season in our life we’ll be facing our biggest challenges and the endocrine system is fully capable of delivering the unexpected at any time.

The cover article on gestational diabetes is an excellent example of this. As if being pregnant doesn’t present enough challenges approximately one in twenty women will find themselves dealing with the symptoms of gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. Dr. David Thompson, a specialist in this field, presents an informative overview on this subject and provides convincing evidence that proper management of gestational diabetes is essential to the health of the fetus and the health of the mother.

The B.C. Endocrine Research Foundation is proud to be distributing the educational video and diary Dr. Jerilynn Prior has just released. It is called ‘The Puzzle of Perimenopause’ and presents information on the physiological, physical and emotional changes many women experience when their normal hormone levels begin to fluctuate. This can happen as early as the late thirties and continue on into the early fifties. We have provided an overview of the video and diary including the launch and some feedback from those who have followed Dr. Prior’s work.

Being young, especially being a teenager usually means that there are plenty of chores to do. Some youths have the additional responsibility of managing their diabetes. Type I diabetes (juvenile diabetes) has been getting a lot of press lately as research takes steps forward. In this issue Dr. Thomas Elliott, a diabetes expert provides an excellent introduction to type I diabetes, causes and management.

I have the pleasure of sharing some interesting recipes with you in the Food For Thought column. These are really fun recipes.

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BC Diabetes Foundation

#400 - 210 W Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Y 3W2

Email: info@bcdiabetes.org
Tel: 604-628-2395

Board of Directors

Chair: Dr. Tom Elliott

Board Members: Dr. Keith Dawson, Dr. Breay Paty, Dr. David Thompson, Howard Blank

Administrator: Jack Bondy