Welcome to the winter issue. If the lead-off article looks familiar it is because a very similar version appeared just over a year ago. I have had so many requests for this article that I have decided to reprint it with some updates and hope the message will ring loudly and clearly; type 2 diabetes can be prevented!
The second in a two part series on exercise and diabetes appears in this issue. This article provides some of the basic information which will help people with type 2 diabetes make decisions regarding how to incorporate exercise into their lives.
You may have already noticed the large ad opposite regarding the new diabetes education video, “Live Well With Diabetes”. Please contact the foundation office if you are interested in obtaining a copy. Alternatively you can call your local library and ask them to order a copy from us. Either way we really need to get the message out. People with diabetes must take responsibility for their health and being informed is a good start.
Bye for now.